How To Find The Perfect Pendant Necklace For You

So, to help you build a solid collection of pendant necklaces that fit your personality to perfection,
here are some expert tips on how to find the perfect designs for you based on your personal style.

Classically Elegant

You love polo shirts, classic button-downs, tweed blazers, tartan skirts, and argyle sweaters. Some would say that your style is preppy, others might call it conservative, but no matter how you label it, the truth is that you’re always in style.

Whether it’s purses, sunglasses, hats, or scarves, you never leave the house without accessorizing. Your jewelry box is filled with timeless staples, such as tennis bracelets and diamond stud earrings. If this is you to a tee, thenpearl pendantsare the perfect addition to your collection.


Your closet is full of black, white, and gray pieces. You prefer to stick to basics, and you always look super stylish and chic. Scandinavian minimalism is a huge source of inspiration for you, and you tend to keep away from bold prints and loud colors.

When it comes to jewelry, you love minimalist pieces and dainty designs that enhance your stylish clothes without grabbing all the attention. That’s whydiamond solitaire necklacesare made for you. Their sleek design is elegant and timeless, and they add just the perfect amount of shimmer to your wardrobe.


You’d say that you don’t have a fixed style. You’re always experimenting with different pieces, silhouettes, colors, and aesthetics. You aren’t afraid of showing who you are through your clothes, no matter what others might think of them. 

In your closet, there’s a lot of color, patterns, unique pieces, thrifted items, and you’d say that anything that looks intriguing catches your eyes instantly. In that case,gemstone pendantsare perfect to complement your style! From layering designs to playing with contrasting colors, you'll love the endless combinations you can create with them.

Where to get pendant necklaces in Charlotte, NC

Now that you know how to find the pendant necklace design for your personal style, stop by Ballantyne Jewelers and explore our hand-picked pendant selection, which is filled with pieces by the world’s most sought-after designers.

When you shop with us, you leave our store feeling confident and stylish! So, let us help you find the pendant necklace that’s missing in your collection.

Visit us today at 12335 North Community House Rd. Charlotte, NC. And, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for our latest news and stunning jewelry inspiration.